The black Jesus NFT Website
OutHouse Ministries reached out because they were launching a new project and needed a website that would introduce this new project and allow for them to sell NFTs at a later time.
We designed a 1-page informational website using their brand colors and logo that the client provided.
The NFT sales would be starting later, so the site is setup on the backend for commerce and digital download.
Functions on the website include, A link that send visitor to sign up for an email subscription, social media links, Scrolling carousel of FAQs, and SEO targeting OutHouse Ministries target market.

“I am extremely happy with my website, and others often comment on the website made by Orange Web Design. This is always my first stop for web design help, I recommend Orange Web Design if you want professional and reliable work done.”
— Daniel Holder, Creative Director, Outhouse Ministries, LLC